Club Rules



Revised February 2022  



Club Rules: 


Page 1-9:      General 


Page 10-12:   Management Council 


Page 13-15:   Forrest Little Men’s Golf Club 


  Page 15-17:   Forrest Little Ladies’ Golf Club 
























In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires  


BALLOT shall mean a closed written ballot 

CLUB shall mean Forrest Little Golf Club 

COUNCIL shall mean the management Council of Forrest Little Golf Club 

GOLF IRELAND shall mean Golf Ireland 

LADIES’ CLUB shall mean Forrest Little Ladies Golf Club 

MEN’S CLUB shall mean Forrest Little Men’s Golf Club 

MEMBER shall mean a member in any category 

OFFICER unless otherwise qualified means an elected officer of Forrest Little Golf Club 





2.1  The name of the Club is Forrest Little Golf Club. 


2.2  The aim of the Club is to provide facilities for the playing and promotion of the game of golf and in so doing to recognise and accept the Royal and Ancient Rules of Golf and Amateur Status, subject to such local rules as the Council shall from time to time consider necessary to make, having regard to the nature of the course or otherwise. The aims of the Club shall also include the promotion and playing of such other games as the Club may from time to time decide. 


2.3  Forrest Little Golf Club is a voluntary sporting organisation. 


2.4  The Club shall comply with all the relevant requirements of the Registration of Clubs Act 1904-1999 and the Intoxication Liquor Acts 2000. 


2.5 Forrest Little Golf Club is fully committed to safeguard the well being of its members. Every individual in golf should, at all times, show respect and understanding for members rights, safety and welfare, and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the club and the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practices for Children in Sport. In working with young people in golf, our first priority is the welfare of the young people and we are committed to providing an environment that will allow participants to perform to the best of their ability, free from bullying and intimidation”. 


2.6 It is the policy of Forrest Little Golf Club to comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005; Safety and Health at Work (General Applications) Regulations 2007, (Amended SI 299: 2007) to ensure as far as is reasonably practical, the safety health and welfare of all employees, club members and visiting golfers”. 




3.1  The property of the Club shall be vested in three Trustees, by and against whom all proceedings in the name of the Club shall be taken. The Trustees, and each of them, shall be indemnified by the ordinary members against all liability and expenses incurred by them as Trustees, in so far as the assets of the Club shall be deficient, and such indemnity shall be deemed to be a condition of membership of the Club. The Trustees shall deal with the property of the Club, solely as directed by the Council. An entry in the Minute Book shall be sufficient evidence of such direction. 


3.2  The Trustees shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club. 

Those Trustees who hold office on June 30th 2010 shall hold office until they die, resign, or cease to be a member of the Club, or are removed from office by a resolution of the members at  a General Meeting. 

Thereafter, an elected Trustee shall hold office for a period of seven years, unless he/she dies, resigns, ceases to be a member of the Club, or is removed from office by a resolution of the members at a General Meeting. 





4.1  A member of Forrest Little Golf Club is entitled to the use of the facilities and enjoy the voting rights relevant to the category of membership of the Club to which he/she belongs. 


4.2  A member of Forrest Little Golf Club undertakes to abide by the Rules of the Club and to observe any bye laws, which may be in operation. 


  1. Membership of Forrest Little Golf Club is open to anybody age seven years and over subject to  acceptance 

by the Council.  


  1.    The following are the categories of membership of the Club: 



         FIVE DAY  






         HONORARY LIFE  










              OVER 80’S 


  1. All Male Members of the club, with the exception of Pavilion Members, shall be members of the Men’s Club affiliated to the Golf Ireland. 

  1. All Female Members of the Club, with the exception of Pavilion Members, shall be members of the 

Ladies Club affiliated to the Golf Ireland.   


4.5  Description of Categories 


4.5.1 Ordinary Members are men and women who are entitled to the use of all the Club’s facilities in accordance with the Rules of the Club. They shall have the right to attend and vote at all General Meetings of the Club and of the Ladies or Men’s Club as appropriate. They may propose new members and nominate or be nominated for office subject to any conditions imposed by these rules. 


4.5.2  Five Day Members are men and women who are entitled to the facilities of the Club but shall not be entitled to play golf on the course on Saturdays and Sundays. They may only play in club competitions on Saturdays and Sundays if specifically authorised to do so by the rules of the specific competition. Five Day Members may attend General Meetings of the Club but cannot vote nor propose new members nor nominate nor be nominated for office. They may attend meetings of  Forrest Little Ladies or Men’s Golf Clubs as appropriate and will have voting rights at those meetings. 


4.5.3 Junior Members are those Juvenile members who on reaching their 18th birthday are eligible subject to Council approval to transfer to this category on the 31st December following their 18th birthday. Junior Members may not attend any General Meeting of the Club or of Forrest Little Ladies or Men’s Golf Clubs. They may play in Club competitions under conditions determined from time to time by the Council. They are elected annually to the Junior category and unless elected to another category of membership they shall cease to be members of the Club on the 31st of December following their 26th birthday. 

The Council shall have power to elect, as Junior Members, applicants for such membership who are: 

  1.  Sons or daughters of members or of Lady Associates and who are full- time students at a university, college or school at half the current entrance fee, 

  1. Other applicants, whose exceptional standard of golf and general conduct, in the opinion of the Council, warrant election to such membership on payment of half the current entrance fee. 


A Junior Member shall, at the discretion of the Council, be entitled to remain a Junior Member until he/she attains the age of 26 years; Provided that the Council may, where it is satisfied that the circumstances so warrant, terminate such membership by giving notice in writing to that effect to any Junior Member. 


The Council shall also have power, at the written request of a Junior Member to elect such member with or without payment of a reduced entrance fee to any category of membership it deems appropriate, and for which such member is eligible should a vacancy exist. Junior Members who have already paid half the then current entrance fee under rule (a) or (b) above will be deemed to have already paid such entrance fee. Intermediate Members 

Intermediate Membership is open to all Junior Members who on reaching their 26th birthday are eligible subject to Council approval to transfer to this category on the 31st December following their 26th birthday. They may play in Club competitions under conditions determined from time to time by the Council. They are elected annually to the Intermediate category and unless elected to another category of membership they shall cease to be members of the Club on the 31st December following their 32nd birthday. 

The Council shall also have the power to elect as intermediate Members applicants for such membership who are: 

  1. Sons or daughters of members or of Lady Associates and who are full-time students at a university or college at 50% of the current entrance fee. 

  1. Other applicants, whose exceptional standard of golf and general conduct in the opinion of the Council, warrant election to such membership on payment of 50% of the current entrance fee. 


The Council shall have the power, at the written request of an Intermediate Member to elect such member with or without payment of a reduced entrance fee to any category of membership it deems appropriate, and for which such member is eligible should a vacancy exist. Intermediate Members who have already paid 50% of the then current entrance fee under rule (a) or (b) above will be deemed to have already paid such entrance fee. 


4.5.4 Juvenile Members/Cadet Members  

The Council may from time to time elect Juvenile or Cadet Members. 

Juvenile Members are those who are aged between 11 years and 18 years inclusive. They are elected or re-elected as relevant on an annual basis subject to Council approval. Members in this category may play in competition under conditions determined from time to time by the Council. Juvenile Members may not attend any General Meeting of the Club, or any meetings of Forrest Little Ladies or Men's Golf Clubs. They shall cease to be a Juvenile Member on the 31st of December following their 18th birthday. 


Cadet members are those boys and girls who are aged between 7 years and 10 years on the 1st May in the year of membership application. They are elected or re-elected as relevant on an annual basis subject to Council approval. Members in this category may play in competition and at other times under specific conditions as determined from time to time by the Management Council and/or by the Ladies or Gents Committees.  


Members in this category are not entitled to play on the course without them being accompanied by an adult, parent or guardian. 


Such members will not enjoy any privileges not extended to Juvenile Members of the Club.  


The annual subscription payable in respect of Cadet Members will be determined by the Management Council from time to time having regard to the subscriptions due to be paid by Juvenile Members. 




4.5.5 Overseas Members  

The Council shall have the power to transfer to Overseas Membership members who by reason of their employment or otherwise are obliged to emigrate either temporarily for more than a year or permanently. Concession of Overseas Membership for temporary emigration shall be valid for the year in which it is granted and can be extended by application each year to the Honorary Secretary of the club before 31st December of the previous year. Such members shall retain all the privileges of the Club and Clubhouse and shall be eligible to compete in relevant club competitions on return to this country on vacation for a period not exceeding two months each year. The Council shall also have power to readmit Overseas Members to their former class of membership on their return to this country. 


4.5.6 Honorary Life Members  

Honorary Life Members are those Members of the Club who have distinguished themselves by their service to golf or to the public at large, or who have rendered special service to the Club. They are elected at a General Meeting of the Club on the recommendation of the Council. They shall enjoy all the rights of Ordinary Members and they shall retain membership for life or until resignation. 


4.5.7 Honorary Yearly Members    

The Council shall have the power to elect as Honorary Members for the current year:-            

(i) The current Captain, the current Lady Captain, the immediate past Captain, the immediate Past Lady Captain and the Honorary Club Secretary of  other North Dublin Clubs.   

  1. The current Captain and Lady Captain of other Golf Clubs with close associations with the   

               Club and  

(iii) Local representatives, officials, clergy and dignitaries resident or employed in the immediate area who have close associations with the Club , and such others as recommended by a decision of Council, such members shall not be entitled to a playing handicap from the Club. 


4.5.8 Senior Members    

  1. The Council shall have power to elect as a Senior Member any Ordinary Member , who was a member or Lady Associate at 31st December 1989, who has had 15 years or more continuous membership and has reached the age of 68 years. 

  1.  The Council shall have power to elect as a Senior Member any Ordinary Member or Lady Associate who joined the Club on or after 1st January 1990, who has had 20 years or more continuous membership in the relevant category and has reached the age of 68 years. 

  1. Years spent as a Lady Associate shall be used in computing the aforementioned relevant periods. 

  1. Senior membership shall not be available to members joining the Club after March 31 2013. 



4.5.9 Pavilion Members  

The Council shall have power to elect Pavilion Members who, on payment of the appropriate annual subscription, shall be entitled to use the facilities of the Clubhouse and to the use of the Putting green. Such  members shall not be entitled to play on the course except on payment of the appropriate green fee applicable to visitors. They shall not be entitled to introduce playing visitors except at the green fee rate applicable to visitors not playing with a member. The number of Pavilion Members shall be determined by the Council. 


4.5.10 Lady Associate Members 

Lady Associate members are Ladies elected to this category before 31st December 2000. They shall have the use of the course and clubhouse every day subject to terms and conditions as Council shall determine. They may play in club competitions on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays as expressly authorised to do so by the rules of a particular competition or by decision of the Council. Lady Associate members may attend and vote at General Meetings of Forrest Little Ladies Golf Club. No new Lady Associate shall be elected after 31st December 2000. 


4.5.11 Senior Lady Associates 

  1. The Council shall have power to elect as a Senior Lady Associate any Lady Associate who was a member at 31st December 1989 and has had 15 years or more continuous membership and has reached the age of 68 years. 

  1.  The Council shall have power to elect as a Senior Lady Associate any Lady Associate who joined the Club on or after 1st January 1990 and has had 20 years or more continuous membership in the relevant category and has reached the age of 68 years. 


4.5.12 Country Members 

Country Members are members who have previously been Ordinary or Lady Associate Members of the Club but whose permanent residence is now outside a radius of 80 kilometres from the Club.They may play in specific competitions as determined by Council but they may not attend any General Meeting of the Club or of Forrest Little Ladies or Men’s Golf Clubs. Such Members shall retain all the privileges of the club and clubhouse.The Council shall also have the power to re-admit Country Members to their former class of membership. 


4.5.13 Honorary Pavilion Members 

The Council shall have the power to elect as  Honorary Pavilion Members for the current year:- 

  1. Members with chronic medical disability by virtue of which they are unable to play further golf. 

  1. Those who have rendered exceptional service to the Club. All nominations for Honorary Yearly and Honorary Pavilion membership must be submitted to the Council for approval. 


4.5.14 Temporary Members  

Members of recognised Golf Clubs may be admitted as Temporary Members or Associates for a period not exceeding two years on payment of such charges and subject to such conditions as the Council may from time to time direct. The Council may cancel the membership of any Temporary Member or Temporary Associate at any time. Temporary Members or Associates shall not have the right to compete in any competition, other than open or semi-open competitions promoted by the Club. All playing members must take out Golf Insurance to cover themselves against liability from their golfing activities. Golf sure Insurance must be taken out by members in all playing golfing categories including Cadets and Juveniles.’ 



4.5.15 Visitors 

Members and Lady Associates, but not Temporary Members, may introduce visitors. The name, address and date of visit of each visitor, must be immediately entered in a book to be kept for the purpose, called the “Visitors Book”, and be attested by the signature of the introducing member or associate. No visitor shall be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation of, and in the company of, a member or lady associate of the Club who shall insert his or her name and the name of such visitor in the “Visitors Book”. 


The charge for playing visitors shall be fixed from time to time by the Council, who are also empowered to make regulations for the admission of non-playing visitors. The Secretary, or his representative or any past or present member of the Committee, having made and attested the necessary entry in the “Visitors Book”, may permit a person not having an introduction from a member or associate member to play on the course, and to use the Clubhouse as a visitor on payment of the appropriate Green Fee. Visitors playing over the course must, before playing, obtain a receipt from the Secretary or his representative, which must be produced to any member of the Club on demand. 

The Council shall have power to suspend the rules permitting the introduction of visitors or temporary members at any time, and to refuse permission for any particular visitor or temporary member to use the clubhouse or course. 


4.5.16 List of All Honorary Members 


A current list of all Honorary Members shall be maintained by the Council and readily available on request. 


4.5.17 The Council shall have the power to elect as an Over 80’s Member any Senior Member or Senior Lady Associate, who has had 15 years or more continuous membership and who will attain the age of 80 years or over in the relevant subscription year. 


4.6 Application for admission to Membership 


4.6.1 Application for admission to membership of any class, except in the case of  temporary members, shall be made on the form provided for the purpose, giving such particulars as may be required by the Council. The form shall be completed and signed by the candidate’s proposer and seconder who must be ordinary members of the Club of not less than one year’s standing, both of whom must be personally acquainted with the candidate and who shall be responsible for his or her eligibility and conduct. 


4.6.2 The proposer and seconder must, if requested, give to the Secretary such information regarding the candidate as will be useful to the Council when considering the application. 


4.6.3 An application for membership must be in the hands of the Secretary for at least two weeks prior to its formal submission to the Council, and the Secretary shall post and keep posted in the Clubhouse each candidate’s name and address together with the names of his proposer and seconder during the period of at least two weeks prior to the date of election. The Council may, subject to the foregoing rules, admit a candidate to membership, but any member of the Council shall be entitled to demand a ballot, and in such event, two adverse votes in five shall exclude a candidate. 





4.7 Election of Members 


4.7.1 Acceptance of members shall be the prerogative of the Council. It shall be at the discretion of the Council to close the membership of any category as the Council may think appropriate or in any case when the maximum number in any category, as decided at a General Meeting, has been reached. 


4.7.2 After election of a candidate, the Secretary shall send him/her notice of election, together with a copy of the Rules of the Club. If his/her entrance fee (if any) and subscription are not paid within one month from the date of notification, his/her election becomes void. It shall be the duty of every elected member to acquaint himself/herself with the Rules of the Club, and with the rules and etiquette of the game of golf. 


4.7.3  An entrance fee, the amount of which is determined by Council, shall be paid by all new members. The Council shall, however, have power to waive payment of the entrance fee in any particular case where they are satisfied that the circumstances so warrant. 


4.7.4 Payment of the appropriate subscription and the entrance fee is a prerequisite to membership. Having made such payment the new member shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of membership and such payment shall also signify the new members’ agreement to acquaint themselves with the requirements of the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club and to abide by them. 


4.8 Subscriptions 


4.8.1 The annual subscription payable by Members for any year shall be as determined at an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Club.  


The subscriptions for 2019 be as follows: 











Lady Associate 








Senior Lady Associate 




Five Day Member 
























Over 80’s 




Juvenile A 




Juvenile B 








Honorary Life Member 












Golf Ireland Fees and Insurance to be added where applicable 


4.8.2 The Minimum annual subscription payable, for all of categories of membership, excluding Honorary Membership, Pavilion and Cadet Membership shall not be less than 10% of the Ordinary Members subscription. In determining the amount of any subscription under this rule any fraction of a Euro shall be rounded to the nearest Euro. A full member whose partner/spouse is also a full member can avail of discounts of 50% for their children who are eligible by age in any of the following categories Cadet, Juvenile, Junior and Intermediate. 


4.8.3 The amount of locker rents shall be as determined by the Council from time to time. 


4.8.4 The Club financial year shall commence on the first day of October and end on the last day of September. For financial year commencing 1st October 2014 and subsequent years, 50% of all subscriptions and locker rents shall become due on the first day of October. The outstanding balance to include any subscription changes agreed at the AGM, shall become due on the first day of January. 


4.8.5 Any member whose first subscription payment is not paid by the thirty first day of December, shall cease to be a member of the Club for the following calendar year. Any member whose outstanding balance is not paid by the thirty-first day of March in any year, shall cease to be a member of the Club from that day. However the Council may, by the vote of three-fourths of the members present, suspend or modify the application of the rule to any member on reasonable cause being shown. 


4.8.6  All members elected during the months August to October inclusive, shall pay, in addition to their entrance fee, if any, half the annual subscription and special levies (if any) for the current year. The subscription of any member elected in November or December, shall be nil for that year. 


4.8.7 Green Fees shall be as prescribed from time to time by the Council. 


4.8.8 Loyalty card: All club members, with the exception of Honorary Yearly Members, Juveniles, Cadets,  and Visitors (as a membership category) shall use the Loyalty Card with a prepayment credit amount, the value of which shall be determined at the A.G.M. or a Special General Meeting of the Club.  


The credit amount may be utilised, at the discretion of the member, in the bar, restaurant or to pay green fees when introducing a visitor. 


For financial year, commencing 1st October 2014, and subsequent years the amount shall become due on 1st day of October. 


The agreed prepayment credit amount will apply to all categories of member with the exception of those listed above.  The unused balance of the yearly prepayment credit amount, only, outstanding at the 31st December each year will be retained by the club, for its own use and benefit. 


A discount will apply to members when the card is used, provided credit is available. When the original prepayment credit amount has been expended, members can top-up the card by purchasing additional credit, to a minimum amount to be specified by Management Council from time to time. 


4.8.9. The Loyalty card amount fo  2020 be €100 for Junior, Intermediate, Country,Oversees, Honorary Life and Temporary members 


4.8.10. The Loyalty card amount for 2020 be €200 for Ordinary, Lady Associate, Senior, Senior Lady Associate, Five Day, Over80’s, Pavillion and LOA 


8.8.11. That the Loyalty Card credit amount of €200 be allocated as follows for year 2020, €150 to the Loyalty Card and €50 to a special fund for the purchase of course machinery.  



4.9 Resignation from Membership/Leave of absence. 


4.9.1 A member wishing to resign from the Club with effect from any particular year, shall so inform the Secretary in writing prior to the first day of January of that year, in default of which he/she shall be liable for the subscription for the year commencing on that date. If, having complied with the rule, he/she wishes to rejoin the club, he/she may again be elected to membership. 


4.9.2 The Council shall have power to grant leave of absence to members for one year, during which period they shall pay a reduced subscription to be determined by the Council. Such leave of absence may only be granted to members whose application for such leave is received by the  Council prior to the 31st January. 


5. Organisation 


5.1 Ultimate authority is exercised within the Club by the members properly convened in a General Meeting. 


5.2 Delegated authority is exercised by the Council over matters, which are set out in these Rules or are expressly delegated to it by a General Meeting. 


5.3 Officers of the Club shall have the rights and duties ascribed to them in these Rules but always under the authority of the Council. 


5.4 The Ladies Club and the Men’s Club and the officers of both clubs have responsibility for those matters, which are assigned to them in sections  9 and 10 of these Rules. 


6.       General Meetings 


6.1 The General Meeting properly convened is the ultimate authority of the Club. 


6.2 Attendance at a General Meeting is limited to Ordinary Members, Lady Associate Members, Senior Members, Over 80’s, Honorary Life Members, Five Day Members and Intermediate Members. However, at the invitation of the Council and with the permission of the meeting and only for a specific item on the agenda, other specialist or management persons may attend for the purpose of advising the meeting.    


6.3 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be convened, within ninety days of the end of the financial year, by letter or electronic mail from the Honorary Secretary to all the members entitled to attend. At least fourteen days notice shall be given and the letter or electronic mail convening the meeting shall be accompanied by an agenda and any necessary documentation, which shall include the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, the annual report and financial statements. 


6.3.1  The Council shall, however have power to direct that the Annual General Meeting be held at such other time as they consider desirable. The business of the Annual General Meeting  shall be: 

(a) to elect, for the following year, the relevant Officers and Ordinary Members of the Council all of whom shall take up office on the night of the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the Officers and Ordinary Members of the Council, elected for the succeeding  year, take up office, 

(b) to determine the amounts of the annual subscriptions for the following year, 

(c) to revise rules where appropriate, 

(d) to receive the Honorary Secretary’s Annual Report and the Honorary Treasurer’s Financial Statement for the preceding year, 

(e) to appoint Auditors, 

(f) to transact any other relevant business of the Club and  

(g) to elect Trustees when vacancies exist.( see rule 3.2) 


6.3.2  Notices of motion (including motions for alteration of rules) and nominations of relevant Officers and Members of the Council must be in writing and must be delivered to the Honorary Secretary not less than ten days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Such motions and nominations shall be posted in the clubhouse for eight clear days prior to the date of the meeting. The Chairperson of an Annual General Meeting or of any Special General Meeting shall have power at any such meeting to accept, without notice, nominations or motions (including motions for alteration of rules) where He/She is satisfied that it is in the interest of the Club to do so. 


 6.3.3  Subject to Rule 7.4.8, no rule of the Club shall be amended or repealed and no new rule shall be made except at a Special or Annual General Meeting and where supported by an affirmative vote of the majority of members present and voting at such meeting. 


6.3.4  The quorum at any Annual General Meeting shall be forty members, Voting shall be by ballot or by a show of hands at the Chairperson’s option (except where specifically provided); but if 20% of members present and entitled to vote call for a ballot that mode of voting shall be adopted.  A majority of those present and voting shall decide any question. No voting by proxy shall  be allowed. Only paid up Ordinary and Senior Members, Over 80’s and Honorary Life Members may vote at an Annual General Meeting. The Chairperson of the Council shall be chairperson of the meeting. If He/She is absent or declines to preside, the Vice- Chairperson shall preside. If the Chairperson is absent or declines to preside the Council may nominate a person to preside at the meeting. 



6.4  Convening a Special General Meeting   


6.4.1  A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by direction of the Council. A Special General Meeting shall be called on a requisition to the Honorary Secretary, signed by at least forty members of the Club, such requisition to state the business to be brought forward. Only that business for which a Special General Meeting is called shall be dealt with at that meeting. The Special General Meeting shall be called within fourteen days from the receipt of such requisition and shall be fixed for a day within twenty eight days of such receipt. At least seven days notice of every Special General Meeting shall be given to each relevant member by circular, specifying the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted. 


6.4.2  The procedure at a  Special General Meeting shall conform with the provisions herein made relating to the procedure at Annual General Meetings. 


 6.5    Minutes of General Meetings 


6.5.1  The Honorary Secretary shall take minutes of the General Meeting. These minutes shall, at a minimum, record the decisions taken at the meeting and the numbers voting for and against each motion if a count has taken place. The Honorary Secretary shall not be required to produce a verbatim minute of the meeting. 


6.5.2  If special circumstances dictate a requirement for a very detailed account of a General Meeting, the Council with the express permission of the meeting may require that an electronic record (audio or visual or audio/visual) may be made. Such record would remain the property of the meeting and would not be made available to anyone who was not present at the meeting of which it is a record. 





7.1    Description of the Council 

The Council is a body elected by the members convened in a General Meeting. It is charged with the management of the affairs of the Club and has the rights and duties set out in these Rules. 


  1. Membership of the Council  

Membership of the Council shall be as follows: The Honorary Secretary of the Club, the Honorary Treasurer of the Club, the Captain and Lady Captain and four other members who shall be elected from among those entitled to attend and vote at an Annual General Meeting. 


7.2.1  If the Lady Captain is not an Ordinary Member of the Ladies Club she shall be deemed to be an Ordinary Member for that year. 


7.2.2 The term of office for any Council Member is one year. Such members may be elected for a maximum of three consecutive years. A member may serve a fourth year on the recommendation of the three Trustees, subject to the recommendation been passed by a majority at the Annual General Meeting.  

Following on from this period a member may not be eligible to serve on Council until one year has elapsed unless elected Honorary Treasurer or Honorary Secretary or serving in their capacity as Captains of the Forrest Little Men’s or Ladies Club. 


7.2.3  The Council may by co-option fill a vacancy arising during the year. The Council may, by two thirds majority in a ballot decide to terminate membership of the Council of any member or to remove any member from office if the behaviour or lack of diligence of that member warrants such action.  


7.2.4  A member who has been removed from office or whose membership of the Council has been terminated may appeal that decision to a Special General Meeting following the procedures laid down at 6.4.1 


7.3    Meetings of the Council  


7.3.1  At its first meeting of each year the new Council shall elect its Chairperson. The four elected Council members from the Annual General Meeting only are eligible for this position. The election shall take place by ballot and all Members of the Council are eligible to vote. The Chairperson of the Council shall chair all meetings of the Council. The Council shall abide by the Rules, Bye-Laws and any Standing Orders which it may adopt for this purpose.   

In the absence/resignation of the Chairperson the Council Members must elect a chairperson from one of the three remaining elected Council Members from the AGM.   


7.3.2  Where it is decided that a particular decision of the Council requires a vote, with the exception of  7.2.4 above, a simple majority shall suffice.The Chairperson of the Council shall have a casting vote.  


7.3.3  The quorum for a meeting shall be five members. 


7.3.4  Meetings of the Council shall be held at least every month. Notice in writing or by electronic mail shall be given to all members of the Council at least one week in advance. 


7.4     Rights and Duties of the Council  


7.4.1  The Council is empowered to limit or close the membership in any category in accordance  with rule 4.7.1 


7.4.2  The Council shall be empowered to make and /or amend bye laws for the general regulation of the Club. Such bye laws or their amended versions shall come into force seven days after being posted in the clubhouse. Such bye laws may also be published as appendices to the Rules of the Club. 


7.4.3  The Council shall have power to create special committees, to appoint the chairperson and members of such committees, to set the terms of reference of the committees, to set the duration of the committee and the term of office of the chairperson or members. Any committee appointed by a given Council shall cease to exist when the Council that appointed it goes out of office. 


7.4.4  Such committees shall remain under the authority and management of the Council and the findings or recommendations of any such committee shall be implemented or otherwise at the discretion of the Council.  


7.4.5  The Council shall have the power to appoint officials and other employees upon such terms and conditions as the Council may decide. The Council may also terminate such appointments. 


7.4.6 The Council shall have power to do such other acts or things as they may consider desirable for the good management of the Club, including the power to raise or borrow, for the purposes of the Club, such sum or sums as they shall think fit. The Council may secure the repayment of, or raise any such sum or sums as aforesaid by mortgage or charge upon the whole of, or any part of, the property and assets of the Club. The Trustees shall, on the instructions of the Council, open an account or accounts with the Club’s bankers and overdraw same to such an extent as authorised by the Council and complete such mortgage or charge so as to effect the necessary security over the said property. 


7.4.7  The Council must ensure that commitments are not entered into, either by the Council itself or by individual officers, which would entail any spending which would be in breach of Rule 7.4.6 above. 


7.4.8  The Council may alter or add to the rules for the purpose of complying with provisions of the Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904 to 1999, or of any Act which may be passed amending that Act, but (except for the purpose aforesaid) no rule of the Club shall be repealed or altered, or new rule made, except at a General Meeting as provided in Rule 6.3.3 


7.4.9 The Council may close the clubhouse or any part thereof, or the course or any part thereof, to all members, or to one or more classes of members or associate members, either to meet temporary emergencies or as it may determine in the interests of the Club. 


7.4.10 All personal belongings of members, associates, visitors and others brought to, or kept at or left on the premises of the Club (either in the clubhouse or outside) shall be at the sole risk of the owners, and the Club or Council shall not be responsible for any loss or damage however arising; but this rule shall not prejudice any claims by the Club or the owners against Insurance Companies in case of fire, or when otherwise covered by insurance. 


7.4.11 The Council shall have power to arrange loan facilities with financial institutions on behalf of members to enable such members to purchase their annual membership in the Club and to idemnify the lenders against loss arising from default by such members in the repayment of said loans. Any member who defaults in the repayment of such loan shall have his membership suspended until the loan or any unpaid balance therof shall be repaid. 


7.5   Disciplinary Matters 


The Council are responsible for the observance by the members of the Rules and Bye Laws of the Club. Breaches of the Rules or Bye-Laws or other unacceptable behaviour are dealt with by Council who has the power to enforce penalties such as reprimand, fine, exclusion, suspension or expulsion, but in the case of expulsion subject to appeal as in rule 7.5.6. 


7.5.1 The Council shall have power to make recommendations and reach decisions on all matters of discipline.  


7.5.2 The Council shall ordinarily investigate only those complaints which have been made to it in writing or which have been made otherwise by an officer of the Club or by five members or where the matter to be investigated is of such a public nature that the Council may feel it imperative to take immediate action on its own initiative. 


7.5.3 The member(s) about whom the complaint is made shall be informed in writing that he/she has been the subject of a complaint and shall be invited to give any observations or explanations within a specified time. 


7.5.4  The Council shall take this response (if any) into account before coming to a decision and it shall immediately inform the person against whom the complaint was made of the decision. 


7.5.5  The person(s) complained of shall always have the right to be heard by the Council. 


7.5.6 Any person who disagrees with the outcome of the disciplinary procedure may appeal that outcome. In all cases excluding expulsion, such appeal to be heard and determined by the members at a Special General Meeting of the Club to be convened under Rule 6.4.1. In the case of expulsion if within three months of the removal of the name of such member from the list of members of the Club, a Special General Meeting is called as earlier provided, for the consideration of the behaviour or conduct of such member, and the decision of the Council thereon, and if at such meeting the decision of the Council is not confirmed by a majority of the members present and voting, the name of the person so removed from the list of members of the Club shall be reinstated, and such person shall be entitled to resume his membership. 


8.    Officers of the Club 


8.1 The Chairperson shall be elected annually for a period of one year and shall preside over all meetings of the Council and shall abide by the rules and standing orders which the Council may adopt for this purpose. 


8.1.1 The Chairperson elected under Rule 8.1 shall ensure that the Council adopts and implements a five year plan and presents a revised and updated version at each Annual General Meeting together with a Financial Budget as required by Rule 8.5.4. 


8.2 The Honorary Secretary shall be elected annually for a period of one year, which is renewable, but shall not exceed three years. All ordinary members of three years standing (years spent as a Lady Associate shall be used in computing the three year period) shall be eligible for election to the office of Honorary Secretary. 


8.2.1 The Honorary Secretary shall be a member of the Council for the year. He/She may attend any meeting of any subcommittee. 


8.2.2 The Honorary Secretary shall be the designated officer in charge of the day to day running of the Club on behalf of Council and the implementation of such policies as may be set out in General Meetings or by Council. Matters which are specifically assigned by Council to another officer shall not fall under the responsibility of the Honorary Secretary. He/She shall also be responsible for liaising with the Secretary Manager of the Club and with any other employees or officials of the Club. 


8.2.3 The Honorary Secretary shall be responsible for convening General Meetings under Rule 6.4 or its subparagraphs. He/She shall also be responsible for the taking and safekeeping of minutes at such meetings and for the taking and safekeeping of minutes of Council Meetings. 


8.2.4  The Honorary Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation and submission (in writing) to the Annual General Meeting of an annual report of the club’s activities. 


8.3 The Honorary Treasurer of the Club shall be elected annually for a period of one year, which is renewable but shall not exceed three years. All ordinary members of three years standing (years spent as a Lady Associate shall be used in computing the three year period) shall be eligible for election to the office of Honorary Treasurer. 


8.3.1 The Honorary Treasurer shall be a member of the Council. 


8.3.2  The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring that full and detailed financial accounts of the affairs of the Club are maintained. These accounts, which shall show the receipts and disbursements of the Club, shall be open for inspection  by any member(s) of the Council or any Trustee of the Club at all reasonable times. 


8.3.3  The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for dealing with the Club auditor(s) and he/she shall submit an audited statement of accounts for the financial year. Each member shall be supplied with a copy of this statement as part of the documentation for the Annual General Meeting. 


8.3.4  The Honorary Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget on behalf of the Council which budget shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting for approval. 


8.3.5  The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the bank account(s) held in the name of the Club in such banks as the Council may determine from time to time. Subject to the authority of Council the Honorary Treasurer shall also have overall control in relation to any accounts held by Forrest Little Men’s and Ladies Club. Signatories to all such accounts shall be determined by the Council from time to time. 


8.3.6 The Honorary Treasurer may under the direction of the Council make investments of specific Club funds 

which investments shall stand in the name of the Trustees of  Forrest Little Golf Club. 


9. Forrest Little Men’s Golf Club 


9.1    The body within Forrest Little Golf Club which shall be responsible for the organisation and administration of Golf, including liaison with Golf Ireland, for the male playing members shall be known as the Forrest Little Men's Golf Club. 


9.2    The objectives of the Men’s Club shall be the efficient administration and organisation of all matters directly relating to the playing of golf and the promotion of the amateur game of golf among its members. 


9.3    Membership of the Men’s Club shall be the male members of Forrest Little Golf Club elected according to Club rule 4.7 including all its sub paragraphs and following the procedures laid down in Rule 4.6 and its sub paragraphs. 


9.4    Categories of membership shall be as defined in Club Rule 4.5 in accordance with the applicable sub paragraphs of that rule. 


9.5     The Annual General Meeting of the Men’s Club shall be held earlier than the Annual General Meeting of the Forrest Little Club. 


9.5.1  The Annual General Meeting is convened by the Honorary  Secretary of the Men’s Club in writing, giving at least fourteen days notice to all members eligible to attend the meeting. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the annual report prepared by the Honorary Secretary of Forrest Little Men’s Club and by a financial statement for the financial year ending September 30th, prepared by the Honorary Treasurer of the Men’s Club. 


9.5.2   Those eligible to attend and vote at General Meetings are those male members in the following categories: Ordinary, Five Day ,Honorary Life, Senior Members and Over 80’s. 


9.5.3  The business of the Annual General Meeting shall consist of the approval of the Annual Report and the Financial Statement, the election of Officers and other members of the Committee and the acceptance (with or without amendment) or rejection of motions properly notified and on the agenda for the meeting. 


9.5.4  Written notices of motion and nominations for Officers and Members of the Committee, must be received by the Honorary Secretary of the Mens Club at least 10 days in advance of the meeting and then be posted on the club notice board. 


9.5.5  Notices of motion shall be confined to areas relevant to the Men’s Club.  


9.5.6  Voting at General Meetings of the Men’s Club shall be by show of hands or a secret ballot if requested by 20% of members present and motions shall be carried by simple majority of voting members. Election of Officers and Committee members shall be by secret ballot. 


9.5.7  The quorum for a General Meeting shall be 40 voting members. 


9.5.8  The following shall be elected at a General Meeting: the President, the Captain, the Vice-Captain, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and four other members of the committee and shall take up office on election of the Council. 


9.5.9  The convening of Special General Meetings will follow the general requirements set out in Rule 6.4 and its sub paragraphs. 


9.6  The day-to-day administration of Forrest Little Men’s Golf Club shall be under the control of a Committee and elected officers. 


9.6.1  The committee shall consist of nine members: the President, the Captain for the year, the Vice Captain, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and four other members elected at an Annual General Meeting from those entitled to vote and attend at such meetings. 



9.6.2  The other principal duties of the committee shall include: 

 -  the maintenance of proper liaison with Golf Ireland. 

 -  the fulfilment of the requirements of affiliation, 

 -  the levying and forwarding to Golf Ireland by way of per capita subscription or otherwise of     all levies due to Golf Ireland. 

-   the proper administration of such handicapping system as is approved by Golf Ireland 

-   the monitoring of compliance by the members with the handicapping system. 


9.6.3  The committee shall meet at least once every month. Meetings shall be chaired by the Captain or, in his absence, any officer of the Men’s Club present. The quorum for a meeting shall be five and the Chairman, in the case of a tied decision, shall have a casting vote. 


9.6.4  The committee shall be empowered to set up sub committees to deal with any of the matters, which fall within its jurisdiction, to nominate the members and the chairman of such subcommittees. These subcommittees shall cease to exist at the same time as the nominating committee goes out of office. 


9.7.   The President of the Men’s Club shall be elected for a period of one year renewable subject to a maximum of 2 years. All male Ordinary, Senior,Over 80’s and Honorary Life Members, of minimum fifteen years standing shall be eligible for election to the Presidency. 


9.7.1 In order to be eligible for election to the office of  Captain and Vice Captain it will be required that each candidate shall have been an Ordinary male member for at least five years. In order to be eligible for election to the office of Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer it will be required that each candidate shall have been an Ordinary member for at least three years. 


9.7.2  The officers of the Men’s Club shall have the rights and obligations as set out hereunder. The President shall be the first member of the Men’s Club. The President shall attend such public functions in the clubhouse as he may be requested to do by committee. He shall also represent the Men’s Club at such external meetings/events as he may be requested to attend by the committee. The etiquette of the Club shall require that when present for public functions in the clubhouse the Presidents shall take precedence. The President shall chair the General Meetings of the Men’s Club. The President shall be a member of the Men’s Committee. The Captain shall be the principal officer of the Men’s Club. He shall chair the committee of which he is a member. The Captain shall also be a member of the Council of the Club. He will normally represent the Men’s Club at meetings and events organised by the counterparts of Forrest Little Men’s Golf Club in other clubs. The Captain’s term of office shall be for one year maximum.