Forrest Little isn’t just a club it’s a lifestyle with friendly & welcoming members, stunning course conditions & excellent bar & restaurant facilities.
Call us now +353 (0)1 840 1763 for an opportunity to join this 'hidden gem' and experience great golf in a friendly welcoming atmosphere.
Flexible payment options are available so please click here for an application form or should you require more information please contact our office at
+353 (0)1 840 1763.
Forrest Little has a range of membership categories to cater for young, new and experienced golfers. All prices are per annum and include subscriptions, levies and insurance. With effect from the 1st October 2021 an Entrance Fee will apply to the following new Membership applications:
- Full Membership - €1,000
- Five Day Membership: - € 500
- Intermediate Membership: - € 500
There will be no entrance fee for other categories of membership at this time .
Play 7 days a week and enjoy plenty of competitions in a variety of formats. This membership category comes with full voting rights. €1448
( inc Annual sub €1,199 , Loyalty Card €200 , GUI €24 , Insurance €25. )
Play 5 days a week, Monday through Friday enjoy a variety of competitions at a reduced membership rate. €998
(inc. Annual sub €749, Loyalty Card €200, GUI €24, Insurance €25 )
Forrest Little welcomes young golfers of all abilities and has reduced fees in all categories.
• Cadet 7-10 years on 1st May. €60, 2 cadets in one family €100, 3 cadets in one family €150. Playing confined to Ist May -30th September each year.
• Juvenile Grade 1 aged between 11 - 15 years on 31st December €125 with all year round playing facility.
• Juvenile Grade 2 aged between 15 -18 years on 31st December €188 with all year round playing facility.
• Junior 18 years (1st Jan) - 26 years on 31st December €498 (inc. Annual sub €349, Loyalty Card €100, GUI €24, Insurance €25 ) No vacancies in this category at moment
• Intermediate 26 (1st Jan) - 32 years on 31st December €698 (inc. Annual sub €549, Loyalty Card €100, GUI €24, Insurance €25) No vacancies in this category at moment
Our family friendly ethos is at the heart of Forrest Little and that is demonstrated in our fee structure for families (Father, Mother, Spouse/Partner) who pay two Full Membership subscriptions can avail of 50% discount for their qualified children in the categories of Cadet, Juvenile, Junior or Intermediate.
For those who don't want to play golf but want to enjoy the other benefits of being a member of Forrest Little and avail our our club house facilities. Annual fee is €250 which includes €200 Loyalty card for bar/restaurant credit.
Phone Margaret on +353 (0)1 8401763 or email margaret@forrestlittle.ie