Vice Captains ( Patsy & Geraldine ) Presentation of Prizes Celebration Night 10th June

Lady Captain’s ( Theresa McMahon) Prize – First Day Saturday 15th July. Final Day & Presentation Night Saturday 22nd July
The qualifying rounds for Captain Peter Duffy’s Prize will be held on
this Saturday 1st July and Sunday 2nd July 2023. A quick look at the
Timesheet reveals the popularity of our Captain Peter with only a
handful of tee times available on both days.
The Captains Prize to the Ladies will take place on Tuesday 4th July
2023 and these prizes will be presented at a fantastic Captains
Presentation Evening on Saturday 8th July 2023.
On the Gents side, the leading 102 players will qualify for the
Captains Prize Final Day (pro rata number each qualifying day) on
Saturday 8th July 2023.
Qualifiers should check the BRS for draw times and if you are not
lucky enough to qualify there is the opportunity to play for the
Non-Qualifiers Prize earlier on the morning of Saturday 8th July 2023
and these times will be available to book on the BRS.
The Social Committee has another superb evening planned for this very
special night.
Starting with a fantastic meal at 7.30pm followed by the Presentation
of Prizes to the lucky winners with the evening rounded of with music
supplied by the excellent “REWIND”
There is a limited number of places available for this prepaid event,
pre-booking is essential.
To secure your place contact Adrienne on 0872482538 or Gerry
0872988212 or speak to Paddy Quaid or Nicky Lowndes & Tony Byrne
who will have tickets for sale. The cost of the night is just €30 and this can be
made via Revolut to Adrienne at 0872482538 or by cash to Paddy, Gerry
or Nicky or in an envelope to the office. The names for booking
purposes are required on the envelope.
The Captain would be delighted to see lots of people at this event but
for planning purposes it is essential that members pre-book.
Book early with your friends and tables will be available for groups
of ladies and/or gents and for mixed groups or individuals.
Looking forward to seeing you all at one of the highlights of the year
in Forrest Little Golf Club.