Captain’s Drive In – 2020

Course in pristine condition during the period of closure
Winter League 2020
The final of the 2019/2020 Winter League, kindly sponsored by Hernon Crash Repairs (Joe Walsh) was held on Sunday 23rd February when members of Team Odyssey, captained by Liam Mc Mahon and Team Callaway, captained by Chris Slattery battled it out in singles matches. Team Odyssey emerged victorious and were delighted to win the League.
A special thanks to the 128 players made up of 96 men and 32 ladies who entered the Winter League. A big thank you to the Team Captains and to the League managers Chris Slattery and Matt Smyth who posted weekly results and kept the league going throughout its run, efficiently and professionally.
The Winter League is designed to keep members playing over the Winter months and it is a great way to keep competitive throughout the cold and wet weather.
The prize giving was held in the Clubhouse. Both Captain’s in their speeches, paid tribute to their respective team members for their dedication and interest throughout the league. They both also paid tribute to the league managers, the sponsors and finally noted the great condition the course was in, which allowed the League to continue without much disruption. There were only two days lost due to bad weather.
Joe Walsh was on hand to present the prizes to the winners and beaten finalists. The trophy was presented to the winning Captain Liam Mc Mahon and the delighted and thrilled team members.